Almend Projekt Ziele

Heile Planet Erde.
Eine Gerechte Zukunft für Alle.
Halte es dabei.

#1. STOP

STOP das Verbrennen von Fossilen.
STOP die Zerstörung unseres Planeten.
STOP die Vergiftung unseres Planeten.
STOP das Artensterben.
STOP die Verwüstung.
STOP die Unmenschlichkeit.



NUR noch Erneuerbare Energiequellen.
REGENERIEREN der Umweltschäden.
NUR REGENERATIVE Landwirtschaft.
IMPLEMENTIERE das 4for1000 Program.
Gib ALLEM Leben Respekt.
SEQUESTRIERUNG von Treibhausgasen.
SÄUBERE die Natur.



KEIN AUSVERKAUF mehr von allem.
ALMENDE auf alle Natürlichen Ressourcen.
ALLES ist Regenerativ.
GESUNDER Boden, Wasser und Luft.
VERKLAGE alle Umweltsünder.
NUTZE Technologie zur Kontrolle.


We Are Almend e.V.


Social Justice is a must on or way going forward!

We do need awareness. therefore education, knowledge and information, on our way to achieving the Project Goals.

Building relationships with other groups, institutions and individuals!

Pushing for change in our local communities and governments. Fast!

Charitable Organisation

The Almend e.V. is the independent non-profit arm of the Almend Project.


One Goal.

1.Heal Planet Earth

We are walking in the footsteps of our past leaders, who were fighting for the same we do now. All those learned lessons and experiences from those leaders shall not be forgotten and lost, rather we shall learn and reconnect with them.

As we are in urgent need to solve this global issue. We need new structures for accountability and ownership. The shared and cooperative approach is the way we go.

The wealth in the World of 2022 is unequally distributed and full with concentrated money. On the other hand, Social Justice is not possible without distribution of wealth. This is where we stand.

Projects, Examples & Solutions.

A. Activate people to act, locally and globally.

Find the best talent to push the awareness of all , in teaching the right things at the right time. Use technology to educate, inform and teach our societies globally.

Connect with scientists, activist and all other skilled people around the globe, to bring forward the solutions to our problems, together.

Use the learned to coordinate action locally, regionally, nationwide and globally. Connect and support projects around the globe.

Charitable Organisation

The Almend e.V. is the independent non-profit arm of the Almend Project.


One Goal.

2.Build a Sustainable Future

We are walking in the footsteps of our past leaders, who were fighting for the same we do now. All those learned lessons and experiences from those leaders shall not be forgotten and lost, rather we shall learn and reconnect with them.

As we are in urgent need to solve this global issue. We need new structures for accountability and ownership. The shared and cooperative approach is the way we go.

The wealth in the World of 2022 is unequally distributed and full with concentrated money. On the other hand, Social Justice is not possible without distribution of wealth. This is where we stand.


B. Change the perception through education. Activate the masses.

Find the best talent to push the awareness of all , in teaching the right things at the right time. Use technology to educate, inform and teach our societies globally.

Connect with scientists, activist and all other skilled people around the globe, to bring forward the solutions to our problems, together.

Use the learned to coordinate action locally, regionally, nationwide and globally. Connect and support projects around the globe.

Charitable Organisation

The Almend e.V. is the independent non-profit arm of the Almend Project.


One Goal.

3. Keep it that way.

We are walking in the footsteps of our past leaders, who were fighting for the same we do now. All those learned lessons and experiences from those leaders shall not be forgotten and lost, rather we shall learn and reconnect with them.

As we are in urgent need to solve this global issue. We need new structures for accountability and ownership. The shared and cooperative approach is the way we go.

The wealth in the World of 2022 is unequally distributed and full with concentrated money. On the other hand, Social Justice is not possible without distribution of wealth. This is where we stand.

Everything is Design.

C. Do it, like your live depends on it.

Find the best talent to push the awareness of all , in teaching the right things at the right time. Use technology to educate, inform and teach our societies globally.

Connect with scientists, activist and all other skilled people around the globe, to bring forward the solutions to our problems, together.

Use the learned to coordinate action locally, regionally, nationwide and globally. Connect and support projects around the globe.

Support Almend e.V.

To Act Globally.

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Teach & Inform

Global Scale Knowledge.

Connect & Meet

Local Scale Meetup.

Cooperate with Almend e.V.

Global Scale Transformation.

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